Manufacturing Fused Minerals Since 1868

Established in 1868, Washington Mills is one of the world's largest manufacturers of abrasive grain and fused minerals.  

Spent Aluminum Oxide Recycling

Explore the recycling process

Our goal is to green your supply chain by offering closed-loop recycling of spent aluminum oxide grains and powders.

DURALUM® Special White

Blasting for high purity

Washington Mills manufactures DURALUM® Special White for high purity blasting applications such as aerospace and medical.

How It's Made: Abrasive Grain

Explore the process of manufacturing abrasive grain

Ever wonder how abrasive grain is made?  Washington Mills was featured on the show, "How It's Made." 

Washington Mills Ceramics Corporation

Mass Finishing Media Manufacturing

Washington Mills Ceramics Corporation is the one stop shop for mass finishing media trademarked, DURAMEDIA®.  It truly is, "The Best Start to a Great Finish!"


Visit Ceramics Website

What Video Will Help You?

Washington Mills is looking to expand its video library with suggestions.  Let us know what you'd like to see.